Club Executives 2019 (Archive)

Introducing our fearless and amazing Director Hawa Maiga
Major: Joint Honours in Political Science and International Development and a Minor in Classics
Year: U2
Favourite Montreal Café: Café Aunja! Right near the Montreal Fine Arts Museum (which is free for students by the way!), Café Aunja is absolutely beautiful and is really cozy! I highly recommend their ginger tea.
Why did you join Amnesty? I have been involved with Amnesty International for over 7 years now and really value the great work they do in defending human rights around the world!

Meet Sofia Idris, one of our co-First Year Reps
Fun fact: I can play three instruments
Favourite Study Spot: St. Bart’s because of the hanging plants (and good smoothies)
Why I joined Amnesty: I joined Amnesty McGill because I love the organization and wanted to continue the work I did with it in the U.S.

Introducing our dedicated VP internal Kelly Amrud
Major: Pharmacology
Year: U2.5
Favourite Montreal Café: I’m lame and love Starbucks
Why I joined Amnesty: I can’t imagine living in a world where sharing my voice can mean imprisonment. I knew McGill’s chapter of Amnesty International was the way to spread awareness and educate soon to be graduates who will change the world.

Introducing Sydney Stevenson our VP Communications!
Major: Political Science and International Development Studies with a minor in environment.
Year: U1
Favourite Montreal Café: I absolutely love Café Résonance right now. It’s in mile end and has live music every night. Its super cozy and has the best food
Why I joined Amnesty: There is so much injustice everywhere, and I believe we need to speak up and make sure that governments and other actors know there is support behind the protection of human rights locally and globally. I also believe that Amnesty’s vision of a world where everyone enjoys fundamental human rights is one that we can all take inspiration from and turn to action.

Meet our fantastic VP external Maha Asad
Major: Economics & International Development Studies
Year: U1
Favourite café: Café Kahwa (for now…)
Why I joined Amnesty: I love hearing and learning about people’s stories and experiences surrounding the human rights issues that Amnesty works on.